The Good Stuff

Thursday, November 17, 2011

They return from the grave for left overs

  Drinks? Check. Snacks? Check. Volume up? Check. I hear the theme music and see the opening credits, I know I am in for a treat. I don’t watch television that often but, when I do, I want a show that will that breaks away from the norm. Every channel seems to show the same kind of stuff and usually at the same time. Very few shows have grabbed my attention enough to make me check the local listings.
Walking Dead is gritty, dark and realistic. You would think that a show like this would have cheesy effects, bad acting and poor plot lines. NOT SO! This show has gone above and beyond. It has Profound and driven characters. Solid and dynamic plot lines make this show  different from other programs currently showing. You can tell that the cast and crew put their best foot forward. 
Before Walking Dead, zombies were reserved for the slasher film genre. Most of them were easily forgettable. Like other 80’s films, zombies were abused by Hollywood. by being the brunt of horrible one liners, young and horny characters with no acting ability and all being out smarted by screaming girls with big boobs.
I think Walking Dead accurately depicts what it would be like living through an apocalyptic event. The characters have to learn to survive with out any modern conveyances and stay one step ahead of their flesh eating nightmares. They must also be wary of the monsters inside them.
My favorite aspect of Walking Dead is the grittiness of the characters. Like other dramas there is a wide range of character concepts. There is the do-whats- right hero, the caring mother of all, the guy that looks out for number one, the older one that looks out after everyone. All from different walks of life that come together for the sake of survival. 
When the broadcast ends, it leaves me wanting more and anticipating the next one. I hope the AMC continue showing this program for a long time. I am beginning to enjoy watching television again.

1 comment:

  1. I finally broke down and rented season 1, eps 1-6. I think I was just as happily surprised as you were about the series. IMHO, only Zombieland comes close to the skill of handling this topic, though obviously in a different genre. I like how you wrote about it...pretty much hits all the same high and low points about zombies.
